
Joint Size




A downstem is one of the most crucial bong attachment pieces for bongs! By fitting into the joint on a bong, or any other water pipe, Downstems push the smoke from the bowl piece into the main water chamber to filter and cools down the smoke before reaching your lungs!
Although not all water pipes require downstems but most beaker bottoms or straight tube bongs do! Hence their need cannot be overlooked!

Downstems for bongs come in a variety of different types, sizes, colors, etc. Size of a bong downstem is one of the most crucial things one needs to know, in order to buy the right downstem that fits into the water pipe perfectly!

For example, Glass Downstems are measured from the bottom of the sandblasted joint to the bottom of the downstem. If you measure from the top of the joint you will get an inaccurate measurement. Bong downstems also come in a wide variety of diffusion styles, the most common is a diffused downstem that features several small slits on each side for diffusion. We also offer downstems with different kinds of percolators for better diffusion including tree perc downstems, showerhead perc downstems and much more, allowing you to customize your water pipe however you'd like.

Pro tip: If you are tired of breaking and replacing your glass downstem we even offer silicone downstems that will never break!

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